
Fallout 4 character turned black
Fallout 4 character turned black

fallout 4 character turned black fallout 4 character turned black

The update went through testing, but we expect complaints about it, and the various Fallout 4 DLC add-ons, to pick up in the days ahead. The Fallout 4 1.10.100 update brings new Creation Club content, but it doesn’t appear to come with any bug fixes.

fallout 4 character turned black

It took awhile, but Bethesda’s pushed out another free Fallout 4 update. While we wait for the next Fallout 4 update to arrive, we want to help you fix your Fallout 4 problems on the Xbox One, PS4 or PC.īethesda’s rolled out numerous bug fix updates in the years since the game’s release in 2015, but it’s still far from perfect. Those still playing the game continue to complain about outstanding bugs and performance issues on all three platforms.

Fallout 4 character turned black